Understand the counseling process and what you can do at home to get more out of therapy
Are You Trying to Hard, "White Knuckling" your way through life?
If I were to write a book, it would cover much of what Aundi Kolber has already written! This is one of the best books I have read that explains the approach I have for counseling, in a very approachable way. Filled with stories and snapshots that will help you understand counseling concepts. Deepen your healing while educating yourself by reading this book between counseling sessions.
Understand the Connection Between Your Brain & Body
Deepen your understanding about how the brain works to respond to perceived danger, linked to your storied memories, your automatic responses, and your current triggers. See how what your feeling or not feeling (deadened responses) are your bodies way of trying to cope and to get your attention.
Consequences of Your Parent's Parenting on your Life
Learn more in depth then I can cover in our early sessions about how your personality was formed in the first 10 years of your life depending on how prepared your parent's were for parenting. Was there chaos in your home? Were they able to respond to your needs? Broaden your understanding of how your personality was formed, with both good coping skills and the ones that aren't working for you anymore.
Window of Tolerance and Mindfulness
Mindfulness just means understanding your own thinking. It also helps us understand and apply strategies that can help calm us when we start to get overwhelmed. If you have ever felt like your thoughts are a tornado; whirling, overwhelming, and exhausting this book is for you. Window of tolerance is understanding that each of us has a point where our body and mind say, "It's to much!" and we shut down and withdraw. Learning about it can help us understand what's happening in our body and how to change our responses.
Practices to Try Softer
One of the best parts of this book is it has a huge section of items you can try at home. The very things you practice at home can pay a dividends in your counseling sessions. Counseling sessions are a huge investment of time and money that can have a huge impact. Working through this book on your own helps prepare you to do the tough work we will do in sessions. Making the overall process go smoother and faster.
Christian Faith Perspective
Aundi has an integrated approach for combining faith and counseling. She does a great job of sharing her own story of trauma, loss, and healing. Along, with the stories of her clients healing, without hammering you with a Bible. Faith can be part of your journey toward healing. I too respect where people are at and only include faith with those clients who want this integrated into the approach.
Purchase or Library Links
Here is the link to the book on Amazon:
Also Available at North Central Regional Library
Also available on Libby through King County Library